D Revolution has expanded.
After 10 years we are branching out! We can now offer professional Windows support along side our current offerings.
If you need help integrating mac’s into PC environments or PC’s into mac environments, we can help.
We are also working on integrating Entourage 2008 and Exchange Server 2007 Web Services – see microsoft.com/mac/itpros/entourage-ews.mspx
We have expertise in Publishing systems and workflows, opensource DAM’s, Google Apps hosted email, cPanel website and email setup, internet setup and networking, content filtering via OpenDNS, OSX FileServers and ReadyNAS Servers – and now of course PC setup and maintenance.
If there is something you need, either we can do it or put you in contact with some who can.
The economy is going through a rough time at the moment and companies are rightly holding back on IT purchases, this makes maintenance of current equipment more important then ever.
This is especially true given that most IT suppliers have increased prices 15% to 25% in the new year due to the fall in the AUS to US exchange rate.
Over the last 2 months D Revolution have tracked a significant number of hard disk failures – some leading to expensive recovery bills from Disk Recovery firms like Payam Data.
If your machines are over 3 years old and you do not have up to date backups, get the machines checked out!
HelpDesk System reminder
This new system allows companies to track how many support requests are made, how quickly they are acted on and most importantly, how fast the problem is resolved.
FAQ’s (frequently asked questions) are an important part of this system. Whenever a ticket is logged, a growing list of FAQ’s will show questions and answers to similar helpdesk queries.
If you have suggestions for FAQ’s, email [email protected] and they will be added to the FAQ section of the HelpDesk.
Over time, we want this to be the first place anybody looks for help. You will be able to fix alot of issues BEFORE calling anybody!
The login page is at partners.drevolution.com.au/helpdesk and all connections are over a secure connection for your safety.
Please contact us for your login details.
Stay tuned for more information…
All services supplied by D Revolution are subject to a 10% GST, and include a Tax invoice.
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